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    04 Jul 2024.

    Michael the Great Prince - Daniel 12.1-3 Focused Commentary

    [1]And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered,...

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    10 Jun 2024.

    Commentary on 2Peter 2.10-11

    10But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. 11Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. [2Pe 2:10-11 KJV]...

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    01 Mar 2024.

    Sure Mercies of David

    The “sure mercies of David” is how God described the promise and covenant that he made with King David. We find this definition in his words through the prophet Isaiah [Isa 55:3 KJV]. The phrase is translated differently in different translations.God originally gave this promise and covenant to David through...

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    category: General-Resources  

    06 Dec 2023.

    Habakkuk—The Wrath and Justice of YAHWEH

    The Glory of Yahweh will be Revealed [Hab 2:14] God will destroy the labour of the nations with fire [Hab 2:13] They will have no legacy. The Wicked (antichrist) will build up his realm with unjust gain and his city with bloodshed and his town by crime piling up stolen goods and making himself rich...

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    06 Dec 2023.


    Israel and Judah have to leave the land of their inheritance because they have defiled it [Mic 2:10; 3:10; 6:16] Zion, Jerusalem and the temple will be reduced to nothing [Mic 3:12]

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    06 Dec 2023.

    Obadiah Summary

    “Deliverers will go up from Mount Zion to govern the mountain of Esau. And the kingdom will be Yahweh’s.” [Oba 1:21]

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    06 Dec 2023.


    “You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins.” [Amo 3:2]

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    05 Sep 2023.

    Some Standing Here - Mat 16.28

    “There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    25 Jun 2023.

    Priesthood Systems, Jesus and His Giving Us Eternal Life

    Priesthoods are established by God. No one can impose one on God. A priesthood is the basis of one’s relationship with God. Relationship with God is based on temples and priesthoods. (One way or another one can only relate with God through a temple—creation itself is a temple) A priesthood requires...

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    category: General-Resources   Jesus  

    01 Apr 2023.

    An Observation from Judges

    The below is comment on Judges 21:25 and very briefly looks at “a way of God” demonstrated through the period of the Judges leading to the installation of David as King of Israel. We see this pattern with God from the Garden of Eden all the way to Jesus on...

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    08 Feb 2023.

    The Two Witnesses

    They are prophets, since they are called anointed ones They were already standing before Yahweh at the time of the vision They are in heaven since that is where Yahweh is, and they evidently were not on earth with Zechariah at the time

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    category: General-Resources  

    24 Jan 2023.

    Shaping Reality

    God’s prophet teaches that our tongues have the power of life and death. An examination of the holy scriptures reveals that these are not mere poetic words spoken to teach us to speak good words, but they are an actual reality in God’s creation. Just as God – through His...

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    category: General-Resources  

    24 Jan 2023.

    Are the Old Testament Saints A Part of the Church

    It is a commonly held belief of many Christians today, that the New Testament (NT) saints are superior to the saints of God in the Old Testament (OT). Those who hold this belief conclude that the latter group is not a part of the Church. By OT saints, they refer...

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    20 Oct 2022.

    You Must Obey the Apostles

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. [Pro 1:7] “ people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will...

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    category: General-Resources  

    20 Oct 2022.

    The Importance of Knowing God's Word in Depth and Breath

    We gain wisdom by giving attention to the deeds and words of God. We are to ponder all his works and not some of it.

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    category: General-Resources  

    19 Aug 2022.

    Preaching and Teaching in the Scriptures

    Preaching and Teaching in the Scriptures Original Language Word Study Preach Size of Audience G2980, λαλέω, laleō (basically, to speak, to talk) Thayer Definition: to utter a voice or emit a sound to speak to use the tongue or the faculty of speech to utter articulate sounds to talk to...

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    category: General-Resources  

    29 Jun 2022.

    The Elements (Στοιχεῖον, stoicheion—G4747) of Which Paul Wrote

    Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; [2]But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. [3]Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements...

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    category: General-Resources  

    15 May 2022.

    Romans Summarized Overview

    Unproven Statement: A righteousness from God that is by faith from first to last is revealed in the Gospel

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    15 May 2022.

    The Goal of Righteousness-Glory

    Glory and Honor: Glory brings honor; glory is honor [Psa 8:5; 145:5; 1Co 15:43 the opposite of dishonor is glory; Rom 9:21-23 the vessels of honor are the objects of glory; Heb 3:3 glory is honor—the more the glory the greater the honor].

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    15 May 2022.

    Romans 4 Overview

    Paul has stated that there is no room for boasting with regard to righteousness by faith because it is apart from the works of the Law and does not require circumcision. His goal now is to show that this is consistent with the Law (i.e., the scriptures) and he does...

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    17 Apr 2022.

    Is Swearing A Sin

    Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.' But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne; or by the earth, for...

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    category: General-Resources  

    06 Apr 2022.

    “Revelation”—Event and Knowledge

    The righteous judgment of God (by Jesus Christ) [Rom 2:5]—event Glory in us [Rom 8:18; 1Pe 5:1]—event The day of the Lord, by fire[1Co 3:13]—event

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    06 Apr 2022.

    Rom 1.16 -- Rom 3.31 SUMMARY

    Unproven Statement: A righteousness from God that is by faith from first to last is revealed in the Gospel

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    03 Apr 2022.

    Giving Men Over to Sin-The Meaning

    What does it mean that God gave men over to sin and why should it be of concern to us as men?

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    30 Mar 2022.

    Rom 1.18--3.30 Summary

    The wrath of God is revealed from heaven. The wrath is against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    27 Mar 2022.

    The Works of The Law, Justification, Sacrifices

    It is important that we note that both the Law and faith/grace deal with sin in the same way—they teach righteousness and prescribes/provides sacrifices/rituals for the forgiveness of sin. Noting this, we then see that the key difference between the Law and grace is not the teaching of righteousness but...

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    category: Bible-Commentaries  

    22 Mar 2022.

    Is It Only God That Can Read Our Minds

    Someone recently said in a discussion we were having that the devil cannot read our minds. This is a popular belief among many who believe that God alone can read the mind of anyone. Here, we will briefly explore this matter from the Scriptures. The scriptures don’t plainly tell us...

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    category: General-Resources  

    23 Feb 2022.

    The Door of the Tabernacle

    The Door of the Tabernacle should not be mistaken as the Gate of the Court. The Hebrew word for “door” (H6607—פּתח, pethach) in “door of the Tabernacle” is different for the word for “gate” (H8179—שׁער, sha‛ar)in “gate of the courtyard”.

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    category: The-LAW  

    23 Feb 2022.

    Sin Defiling the Tabernacle

    The Tabernacle needed to be cleansed once a year on the Day of Atonement because it was defiled by the sins of the Israelites [Lev 16:16].

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    category: The-LAW  

    09 Feb 2022.

    God’s Promise and Covenant With Abraham

    Here we follow the development of God’s promises to Abraham. What we find is that God's promises to Abraham went from promise to an unbreakable promise. The promises are not without condition. 

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